Kannai of Borg's Collective

Alberta Watson
Place: Toronto, Canada

La Femme Nikita
The Sweet Hereafter
The Girl Next Door
Spanking the Monkey
The Keep
In Praise of Older Women
Seeds of Doubt
Frame Up
Dog Hermit
Mood Indigo
Red Earth
White Earth
Kane and Abel Mini-series
The Outer Limits
Law and Order
The Equalizer
Hill Street Blues

Alberta Watson was born and raised in Toronto, Canada. She left school early to begin her acting career. She first joined a theater company in Toronto and later moved to NY to continue her studies.

Watson has starred in many different films, more recently The Sweet Hereafter which won the Grand Jury Award at the Cannes Film Festival. An earlier more controversial role in Spanking the Monkey won her the Sundance Film Festival Audience Award.

She currently lives in Toronto where LFN is filmed and enjoys writing song lyrics in her spare time. About Madeline...

Alberta was a fan of the French film version of La Femme Nikita and did review it before beginning her stint as Madeline, however the character's mannerisms her entirely her own. Fans have come to refer to Madeline as Maddy (or Maddie), denoting the affection which we (yes Maddy my fav LFN character) feel for this tough lady.

Prowling the hallways of section, interrogating unlucky souls in the White Room, or trying to keep the mercurial Paul from having to blow-up section again Madeline is the real force behind LFN. Watson says her character,"She's very much in control...There's not too many boundaries with Maddie, I don't think."

Then there is the other aspect of her relationship with Operations. The two were lovers for a time and its is obvious (if only for fleeting moments) that Paul still loves her, so we are left with the question of whether or not romance will ever be able to happen for these two. Also we wonder if the brutality which is their reality would allow any real relationship. Operations is probably to self-centered to ever really be able to have a meaninful relationship with her---*sigh*.

Madeline is savvy enough to realize what Paul is really about, so she has kept her guard up. When asked about the possiblity of a future relationship between the two Watson said that she thought Maddy's interest in operations had waned. We will see...

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This site created for the enjoyment of Sci-Fans fans. No profit or copyright infringement intended. Star Trek and all characters are the property of Paramount Pictures. La Femme Nikita and all characters are the property of USA Television Productions. X-Files and all characters are the property of Fox Television Studios. Beanie Babies are the property of TY. Barbie and Ken are the property of Mattel.

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