Kannai of Borg's Collective

Roy Dupuis
Born: April 21, 1963

La Femme Nikita
Out In the Open
Heads or Tails
L'Homme ideal
Waiting for Michelangelo
Million Dollar Babies
Chili's Blues
Scoop II
Cap Tourmente
Being at Home with Claude
Les Filles de Caleb
Le Marche du couple
Jesus of Montreal

Roy Dupuis rose to fame in Quebec in Les Filles de Caleb. His English speaking introduction came with Million Dollar Babies.

Dupuis' first love was science, but, while studying to be a physicist he changed his mind when he saw a film about Moliere. He then began to focus on the theater.

An intensly private man, Dupuis is less interested in the trappings of fame. He is more interested in improving the quality of his work.

He spends his freetime restoring his 19th century farmhouse. He is also an audiophile.

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This site created for the enjoyment of Sci-Fans fans. No profit or copyright infringement intended. Star Trek and all characters are the property of Paramount Pictures. La Femme Nikita and all characters are the property of USA Television Productions. X-Files and all characters are the property of Fox Television Studios. Beanie Babies are the property of TY. Barbie and Ken are the property of Mattel.

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