Kannai of Borg's Collective

Robert Eugene Glazer
(Operations, Paul)
birthplace: Brooklyn, NY

The Crucible
Charile's Angels
Golden Will: The Silken Lawman Story
Women of Windsor
The Substitute
Harlem Nights
Stepping Out
Hollywood Shuffle
The Five Hearbeats

Eugene Robert Glazer was born and raised in Brooklyn. His first acting job was in dinner theater.

Before moving to Los Angeles in the early 1970s, Glazer worked many odd jobs including: taxi driver, waiter, and construction worker.

Glazer lives in Los Angeles when LFN is shooting and returns home to Brioni Farrell when on hiatus.

A avid gardener, Glazer also enjoys cooking, writing, and carpentry. He is currently gathering information for his screenplay POW MIA.

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