Kannai of Borg's Collective

Don Francks 'Iron Buffalo'
Place: Vancouver, Canada

Drying Up the Streets
The Phoniex Team
Top Cops
Mr Rogers Neighborhood
Road to Avonlea
Ice Princess
Wild Wild West
Man From UNCLE
Mission Impossible
Finian's Rainbow
Fast Company
My Bloody Valentine
Married to It
Johnny Mnemonic
Love on the Road
The Minion
Summer of the Monkeys
The Flip Side
On a Clear Day
Kelly and Leonard Bernstein's Theatre Songs
Bettlejuice (voice only)
Free Willy (voice only)
Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (voice only)
Inspector Gadget Cartoon (voice only)

Don Francks' stage career started at age eleven in The Willow Pattern Plate, which convinved him that acting was the path to pursue. Francks was given a job singing on the radio which earned him the name 'Don Francksinatra.'

In 1954, he entered into television acting a variety of shows in Toronto and Montreal on NBC's TV series Jerice he played the lead and became an overnight sensation. His film career was launched with a role in Finian's Rainbow.

Francks lives in Toronto with his wife of 30 years, Lili 'Red Eagle.' They have two children, Rainbow Sun and Cree Summer.

For the past 47 years, Francks has been an avid motorcycle enthusiast. He also has a collection of twelve antique automobiles, mostly Model T Ford racing cars from 1912-27.

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This site created for the enjoyment of Sci-Fans fans. No profit or copyright infringement intended. Star Trek and all characters are the property of Paramount Pictures. La Femme Nikita and all characters are the property of USA Television Productions. X-Files and all characters are the property of Fox Television Studios. Beanie Babies are the property of TY. Barbie and Ken are the property of Mattel.

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